Within 48 hours:
Request a refund through the Google Play Store here:
After 48 hours:
Google usually handles all refunds made through the Android apps, but you must act within 48 hours for them to be able to help.
If that timeframe has passed, please send the following information to
- Your order number. The ID looks something like this: GPA.0000-0000-0000-00000
- The date and time, and the price of your purchase.
If you've made the purchase on an iOS device, you'll have to contact Apple directly.
If you receive a message that the transaction is not eligible for a refund, we recommend getting in touch with Apple's phone support service.
We'll leave the steps below just to alleviate this process:
Please go to
Select Apps and Software and then AppStore.
Once you are forwarded to the App Store page, please select Subscriptions & Purchases:
And afterwards please select iTunes Store account billing, as shown below:
You will then be forwarded to the available support channels, we recommend choosing the Phone Support as the wait time is the shortest and from our experience, it's the most straightforward:
Please note that items included in the refunded purchase will be removed from your account.
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